Gold American Eagle Emerging GroupGold American Eagle Emerging Group

Gold American Eagle Proof 70 Coins

The Emerging Group

2021 - Current

Gold American Eagle Proof 70 CoinGold American Eagle Proof 70 Coin

2021 Gold American Eagle Type 2 Proof 702021 Gold American Eagle Type 2 Proof 70

A New Era for the Gold American Eagle

The release of this Type 2 Gold Eagle Proof will mark the first time in the coin program’s three-and-a-half-decade tenure that the Gold American Eagle will feature a revamped reverse design mirrored by an enhanced iteration of its original obverse design. Be the first to invest in the full 4 coin set to benefit from its growth potential.

When the modern U.S. Mint began making gold coins in 1986, the first major release was the Gold American Eagle. Each year, the mint creates a standard "Business Strike" version of the coin, made for general bullion circulation, and a much smaller number of special issue "Proof" coins, specifically for investors and collectors.

Only a very small percentage of the proofs receives a "Proof 70" certification, a perfect score which establishes the rarity. The value of bullion coins floats up and down with the market price of gold, but rare coins, such as Gold Eagle Proof 70s, don't trade on an index and are therefore much less volatile. Instead, their value is determined by supply and investor demand. These coins are also known as Investment Grade Coins.

The Emerging Group includes the most recent Gold American Eagle sets, dated 2021 to the current year. Each set includes four coins 1/10oz ($5 face value), 1/4oz ($10), 1/2oz ($25), and 1oz ($50).

Emerging Group Gold American Eagle Performance
Mintage Year Starting Price Current Price Price Increase Gain % Yearly Performance PF70 Population Group Ranking
2021 Gold American Eagle Type 2 Proof 70 Set $10,850.00 $12,476.00 $1,626.00 15% 4% 5,736 4
2022 Gold American Eagle Proof 70 Set $10,850.00 $12,497.00 $1,647.00 15% 5% 4,428 3
2023 Gold American Eagle Proof 70 Set $9,752.00 $11,899.00 $2,147.00 22% 11% 3,675 2
2024 Gold American Eagle Proof 70 Set $10,829.00 $11,489.00 $660.00 6% 6% 2,036 1
Source: Mintage figures provided by the United States Mint. Proof 70 Sets indicates the maximum possible population of perfect condition sets for the year given (NGC, December 2024).

Total Increase for Gold Eagle Emerging Group: 13%